SMS and Evernote For Capturing On The Run

If you do a little digging you’ll find no shortage of apps you can use on your smartphone to capture ideas, in fact I mentioned a few myself in this post a while back. But, what if you don’t have a smartphone? What if you’re trying to conserve your data plan? What if you just…

It’s All About Location . . . .

or to be more specific, location description. This month the folks at Campaign Mastery are hosting a blog carnival and the topic is location, something that every RPG GM and player most likely knows something about. We all have our favorites, places we’ve read about or maybe have played in, what makes them special? What…

Need an NPC? Get your copy of 3 Line NPCs

If you’re like many Game Masters you want to fill your world with memorable characters. Those characters that stick in the minds of your players long after the campaign is over and the PCs have been put away (my group will never forget Pix, but that’s another story). Sometimes trying to fill in all those…

I’m stuck, Abulafia help me!

We’ve all been in that place, you’re working along and you need some help with an item description, or the name of a location, or . . . . You get the picture. To get that help point your browser at Abulafia ( and pick an appropriate generator (there’s a link to all of them…

New course from Johnn Four of RolePlaying Tips

If you’ve been a Game Master for a while you’ve most likely come across the site RolePlaying Tips. The site, and the newsletter of the same name, focus on tips and advice specifically geared to Game Masters and I highly recommend it (full disclosure, I was Johnn’s editor for a while). One of the areas…