What are you looking forward to?

What are you looking forward to?

As 2020 comes to a close, a year none of us will likely forget, many will return to the practice of looking back over the year and planning for the year to come. For myself there are many things that I’m looking forward to and planning, most are not gaming related, however I’m just hoping…

Congrats to Stargazer’s World 10th Anniversary!

Congrats to Stargazer’s World 10th Anniversary!

While there are a lot of great RPG related blogs out there and I’ve missed a few of these milestones across the web I wanted to take a moment and congratulate Stargazer on leveling up to the next die level – welcome to the d10 club! Be sure to take a few minutes to stop…

Waving farewell to 2016

Waving farewell and moving onto 2017

It is with mixed emotions that I wave good-bye to 2016. In some respects the year was a complete disaster and on other fronts I would say it was a complete success. This year saw a great deal of personal struggle including losing a family member, seeing my wife continue her health struggles with yet…

Brick building as a tavern

Add a little flavor to your tavern

“You meet at the local tavern . . . . . . . ” How many times have you heard that at the gaming table? The tavern is one of those locations that every game seems to have and frequently used as a stop over, a way of meeting a contact, or just picking up…