clear light bulb planter on gray rock

The Carnival is going Green!

This month, the RPG Blog Carnival shifts gears and heads over to RPG Wandering for the colorful topic of “It’s not easy being green.” Be sure to check out that kick-off post, so you can see the wide range of topics that this can cover, and there’s a lot! When you get your article posted,…

RPG Blog Carnival

Changing locations and Gears – Our May Carnival

It’s been said that the only constant in life is change, and that’s the topic of our May RPG Blog Carnival, being hosted over at Lair of Secrets. You’ll want to head over there to take a look at the kickoff post, and be sure to leave a comment when you’ve got your post up…

RPG Blog Carnival

April 2023 says hello to Codex Anathema for the RPG Blog Carnival

Yes, I rolled a one on my check for RPG Carnival Update post, but better late than never. First, a BIG thank you to Sea of Stars for hosting the March 2023 RPG Blog Carnival. There’s a nice posting there that wraps up all the entries – be sure to check in out. This month…

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Beginnings – January 2023 RPG Blog Carnival

With the new year comes a new season for the RPG Blog Carnival, and we’re kicking things off here at of Dice and Dragons. For the first Carnival of the season, I’ve opted to go with a topic that many of us have had to deal with over the years, beginnings. The beginning I’m sure…

The Gamer’s Notebook

The Gamer’s Notebook

Welcome to Of Dice and Dragons and the July RPG Blog Carnival! This month we’ll be talking about all those wonderful things that surrounds The Gamer’s Notebook. It’s been just over seven years since the RPG Carnival touched on this topic and it was actually hosted here as well. You can check out that piece…