Miniatures – do you use them?

Almost every role-playing group has used miniatures, or minis, in one form or another. Sometimes they’re the lead figures most are familiar with, other times they’re plastic, or maybe even a piece of card stock paper with your character’s name on it, but in all cases they do the same thing – represent where you…

NPC Stats – How much detail is enough?

Over at Treasure Tables Martin Ralya asked the question, NPC Stats: Full, Partial or Loose? which I have to say is an excellent question. There are benefits and drawbacks to each and a lot depends on your style as a GM. For myself personally I find that most of my NPCs start at the “bottom”…

Add Some Spice – Add a Holiday

For those of you that celebrate it, Happy Easter! Today is a day to spend with family and enjoy the company – you are going to do that right? I thought I would be remiss if I didn’t give you something role-playing related today to think about so why not give some consideration to the…

Realistic Climate for your Campaign

A question for all those GMs out there, how much do you vary the climate your party moves through? If you’re like most (myself included) the answer is typically, “not much” or “not really.” I think there are two reasons for this: We don’t understand climatology. Nothing wrong there, most of us don’t need to…

Campaign Information Overload

Campaign Information Overload

In their latest installment of Save My Game, the folks at Wizards look at a difficult topic, campaign detail. I know first hand the perils of this very topic. As a GM, I find myself building campaign settings with an immense amount of detail, everything from cities and towns to NPCs to multiple plot lines…

Treasure Tables Guest Post Contest

Martin Ralya over at Treasure Tables is running a contest for guest posters. The topic of the contest is “What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned as a GM?” and the top three entries will be featured in a posting on the Treasure Tables blog. All entries will be added to the GM Wiki he…