Add Some Spice – Add a Holiday
For those of you that celebrate it, Happy Easter!
Today is a day to spend with family and enjoy the company – you are going to do that right? I thought I would be remiss if I didn’t give you something role-playing related today to think about so why not give some consideration to the holidays in your campaign world.
What?!? No holidays?
No festival to honor the gods, the seasons or some long ago battle? Creating and adding holidays or festivals to your campaign is an easy way to add flavor and color to it without detracting from the main plot lines.
For those so inclined to add this bit of spice I would recommend taking a fresh look at a few issues of Role-Playing Tips Weekly. In particular I would recommend issues #336, #337, which cover crafting adventure based holidays and issue #344 which showcases the winners of the contest that Johnn Four ran related to this topic.
May your dice roll well.