Do You Use a Computer at the Gaming Table?

Does your RPG group use a computer during game night? More than one? My group on the whole is paper and pencil, I’m the only one that uses a computer (in my case a laptop) at every session. As a player I use it to track my character information typically in a spreadsheet (see this…

Horizon Walker Prestige Class Examined

The folks over at Wizards continued their ongoing look at the different classes both base and prestige today by taking a look at the Horizon Walker. What is nice about the column is that they take a look at the strengths and weaknesses of the class and give you idea about how to play them,…

Now Online – Roleplaying Tips E-zine Issue #353

Role-playing Tips issue #353 is available – How To Leave Your Players Hanging – 4 Cliffhanger Tips In this issue Johnn gives us four (plus a bonus one) different methods of building in cliffhangers to our games – all worth a look and as always he gives some solid examples to guide you. I also…

Put Your RPG Reference in your Pocket

Many of us have spreadsheets, text files, documents and so on for our role-playing endeavors regardless of whether we’re a GM or a player. I thought it would be nice to have a backup plan in case my laptop wasn’t available during a session so I thought I would print out my character’s sheet and…

Previews for April and Beyond at Wizards

The folks over at Wizards released their latest preview article and I have to say some of the items definitely look interesting. Among the upcoming offerings are City of Peril which is part of their Fantastic Locations series, and a couple of what they are calling super-adventures, Expedition to the Demonweb Pits and Eyes of…

Role-playing Soldiers Need Our Help

I just received an email pointing me towards a posting on Jae Walkers’ blog, Game = Life – Supporting Our Troops In a Whole New Way. This is something outside of the realm of politics and policy, it’s a simple request from the troops in Iraq for some help to put on a gaming convention…