Previews for April and Beyond at Wizards
The folks over at Wizards released their latest preview article and I have to say some of the items definitely look interesting.
Among the upcoming offerings are City of Peril which is part of their Fantastic Locations series, and a couple of what they are calling super-adventures, Expedition to the Demonweb Pits and Eyes of the Lich Queen, the latter for the Eberron Campaign Setting. The write-ups for each are included in the article.
However, the upcoming item that I think most of us that play D&D will most likely enjoy is the release of Drow of the Underdark. There is a significant amount of information included in the article over at Wizards but here’s the summary from the site:
At last, a 224-page supplement focused on the most infamous race of baddies to ever skulk beneath the surface of any Dungeons & Dragons world — the drow. Whether you’re a DM wanting to create a horrifyingly deadly Underdark experience, or a player that’s interested in playing a lethal dark elf, this is going to be an invaluable reference. Last month, I showed you the back cover text (and gave you a short list of words that rhyme with “drow” — just to help settle any discussions about pronunciation).
This month, I get to pass along a chunk from the book’s Introduction that gives you the always-handy, chapter-by-chapter run-down of the book’s contents.
I’m thinking it will go quite nicely next to my copy of the Dragonomicom.
If you pick up any of the books please feel free to post your opinion as I’m sure everyone would be interested in it.
May your dice roll well.