Available online Role-playing Tips E-Zine Issues #366 and #367

In issue #366, Notes to the GM – What a Player Wants, Johnn departs from his usual format to give an issue which is centered around notes or requests from a player to the GM. Some rather interesting suggestions and ideas in the mix and a nice change of pace overall. In addition to the…

How can I make of Dice and Dragons better?

I realize it’s been a while since my last post and you have my apologies for that. Looking at my blog here and getting ready to get back into the swing of posting more frequently I realized that the most important consideration I need to make is “what do you want?” So here’s your chance…

A New Site for Worlds of Cthulhu

Worlds of Cthulhu, http://www.worldsofcthulhu.com/ has announced their new revamped website which includes information about upcoming issues as well as support materials. From their website: ‘Worlds of Cthulhu’ is a magazine dedicated to supporting the Call of Cthulhu, Call of Cthulhu d20, and Cthulhu Dark Ages roleplaying games published by Chaosium, Inc. It is published by…

Latest Issues of Role-playing Tips E-zine Now Online

Over the weekend Johnn Four posted the last three issues of the Role-playing Tips E-zine the first two deal with encounters while the third deals with using a timeline. The first two issues #363, It’s About The Character, Not The Player Serving Up Characterization Encounters, Part 1 and #364, Encounter Tips: Characterization Encounters, Part 2…

Happy Birthday Treasure Tables

Congratulations to Martin Ralya on the Treasure Tables‘ second birthday! For those that haven’t had a chance to stop by it a great site that features in addition to a daily blog from Martin about GM issues and tips there’s also a user forum full of useful information and ideas. To celebrate Martin is also…