Role-playing Tips E-zine #368 Now Online
In this latest issue of Role-playing Tips, #368, Mapping Tips: Planning Your Map Saves Time Johnn walks us through a time honored tradition that many GMs enjoy, map making.
I know that many are like me and just dive right in but Johnn shows, with a number of examples, the benefits of taking a few minutes and plan out what your going to do. Starting with a bit of brainstorming and then moving through roughing out the design and then into the final drawing phase (including the use of layers – a very good tool) we’re given a very solid approach to this task that is well worth the time to read.
The Readers’ Tips give some interesting pieces of information including some ideas about PC characterization and there’s one about bottom up world building (start small and work your way up). You’ll also want to spend a few minutes looking over the Game Master links, there are links to a D&D NPC database and the Cartographer’s Guild – for you map makers out there.
–> A Brief Word From Johnn
–> This Week’s Tips:
1. Make An Inventory List
2. Define Boundaries
3. Sketch Your Maps Out Before Starting A Final Version
4. Use Layers
–> Readers’ Tips Of The Week:
1. Simple PC Characterization
2. Vampire the Masquerade Tips
3. Take An Annual Break To Rejuvenate
4. Bottom-Up World Building
–> Interesting Game Master Links
1. D&D NPC Database
2. VtM Links
3. Mapper’s Haven – The Cartographer’s Guild
You can read Issue #368 online here.
If you don’t already subscribe I would recommend it, you can do that here.
May your dice roll well.