Role-playing Tips Issues #370 & #371 Available Online

In issue #370, Random Encounter Tables, Johnn treats us to a guest article by Charles Ciaffone who offers a different spin on random encounters. He leaves the party level out of the equation and instead focuses on using the encounter to further develop the region which then gives more depth to the gaming experience. For…

Wizards Announces 4th Edition D&D

At this point most everyone is aware of the announcement made at GenCon about the release of 4th Edition D&D, for those that haven’t and need a quick overview check out the write up at Gaming Report. I would like to hear thoughts and opinions on this – will your group rush out and pick…

Now Online – Roleplaying Tips Issue #369

The latest issue of Role-playing Tips, #369 features a guest article from Kit Reshawn,Four Common Pitfalls for New GMs In the feature Kit goes over four common issues that we as GMs frequently run up against, the first on in particular I’ve been guilty of – I had an NPC save the party on a…

Closing Plot Doors

Over at Treasure Tables Martin made the following statement in his posting PC Backgrounds: Opening and Closing Doors If you imagine the hooks and plot elements in the PCs’ backgrounds as open doors, it’s a good idea to close those doors during play. A very true statement which I thing all GMs should take heed…

Role-playing Tips E-zine #368 Now Online

In this latest issue of Role-playing Tips, #368, Mapping Tips: Planning Your Map Saves Time Johnn walks us through a time honored tradition that many GMs enjoy, map making. I know that many are like me and just dive right in but Johnn shows, with a number of examples, the benefits of taking a few…