Let the Fireballs Fly

So after a couple of sessions dealing with character generation we finally started up our GURPS campaign and it felt good to be back playing again. For those that read my last post (Our first night of GURPS) you may recall that I was considering changing my character, a Battle Mage, out but after consideration…

Happy Thanksgiving

I just wanted to take a moment out of this morning’s activities (we’re hosting the feast this year) to wish those of you that are celebrating today a Happy Thanksgiving. I would encourage all, whether you’re celebrating today or not to take a moment and reflect on what you are thankful for and there is…

Holidays in your Campaign?

As we enter into the holiday season I thought the question should be asked; do you include holidays in your campaign planning? For my part I typically plan the holidays when putting together my gaming world but rarely have the characters observe them. Why would you add a holiday or two to your campaign? For…