Happy Everything!
I know the title seems a bit odd but with all of the holidays currently being celebrated it felt appropriate.
My household is trying to finish last minute shopping (the ice and snow storms really messed things up) and prepare for the annual visit of the big guy in the red suit. There’s food to prep, a house to clean and presents to wrap.
Amidst all that my wife and I are trying to instill in our kids that the holidays are not just about the presents it’s about family, friends and enjoying the time we have together. The kids are accepting the words but only time will tell if the message sinks in. As the Whos in Whoville stated in the show we saw last night (and I paraphrase) . . .
“As long as there’s a hand to clasp Christmas can be celebrated.”
The story, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, really does help drive the message home – an entire town has all their presents, decorations and even their feast stolen but still can celebrate the holiday as they have what’s most important to them – family and friends.
So as you take time out from your gaming activities (you are taking a break right?), be sure to take time out of rushing from place to place to truly appreciate the most important part of the holidays – those around you.
So, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Festivus, Happy Solstice, Happy Everything!
May your dice roll well!