A Fighter, A Wizard and a Bard walk into a bar . . . .

No, there’s no punchline coming, and to be honest there wasn’t a bar but there was a fighter, wizard, and bard involved – played by my three children. That’s right the next generation of my clan has started their journey into role-playing games and it was both a high point and a low point so…

Session #4 – Fight in the woods

This past weekend we enjoyed our fourth session playing GURPS – our second with a live campaign running and we picked up where we had left off, in the woods behind the inn we had just littered with bodies. Once in the woods we managed to recover a bit from our wounds, find ourselves a…

Let the Fireballs Fly

So after a couple of sessions dealing with character generation we finally started up our GURPS campaign and it felt good to be back playing again. For those that read my last post (Our first night of GURPS) you may recall that I was considering changing my character, a Battle Mage, out but after consideration…