Wow, where have I been?
Or maybe I should ask, where has the time gone? Ok, I know where it went, to the offline world where family, work and other matters far more pressing that gaming (I know perish the thought!) needed to be dealt with and I have to apologize for just dropping off the face of the known universe – wasn’t by plan.
You’ve probably noticed, for those that have dropped by before now, that the site has had a face lift – it needed it, I’ve been using the same base template for almost the whole three years that of Dice and Dragons has been in existence. I’ve also decided not to put out a posting schedule – while my hope is to publish regularly my time spent in the gaming arena doesn’t pay the bills and when my daytime job calls I must answer the summoning.
I will let you know some of the things that I plan on including as I begin to post again.
First, I’m going to continue to pass along ideas, tips, tricks and commentary – want something discusssed? Let me know!
Second, I’m going to start including a player log. I play a pair of characters in my group’s current campaign, a Duskblade and a Conjurer. I’ll be introducing them this week as my group comes out of hiatus and will let you know how things progress with them.
Third, I’m going to be starting work on a new campaign setting. I’m not sure when I’ll be GM again for the group but I want to start getting prepped for it. The focus is going to be on the creation of the setting, not the plots, subplots and hooks that will be used in the campaign itself – those will come later and I may hint at a few as I go along.
May your dice roll well.