Worlds to Explore

One of the great things about table top gaming is the wealth of choices we have. There are the old standby board games, the collectible card games that seem to dominate of late and then there are table top roleplaying games – where we can create characters to portray and have endless worlds to explore.
This month the RPG Blog Carnival’s topic is “Blast from the Past” and in the depths of the archives I found an old carnival that speaks to this topic, “Campaigns I’d Like to Run.”
That Carnival was run back in May of 2013 and I have to admit there are many options for campaigns that were shared over the course of the month, you can jump to the roundup post here.
I think one of the reasons for the success of that carnival was the variety of worlds and campaigns that was available to share. So many of us relish in the building of worlds and the campaigns that we run in them. The two are nearly inseparable. I think that many out there would agree that we tend to create a new world for every campaign, or at least expand the world we’ve been using by moving either into the future or the past, or build out a new continent for the players to explore. It is one of the best parts of being a Game Master, and one of the worst (how many hours have you spent pouring over maps and ideas?).
I feel it’s well worth your time to take a stroll through the various posts that were included in that carnival but I would suggest you make an effort to read the posting from Blessings of the Dice Gods. It was their first time participating and it’s an interesting take on the topic. It might just ignite the spark that so many of us need from time to time to take another look and what we’re doing to see if we can improve on it or find another path.
So, are there any campaigns you’d like to run?
May your dice roll well.
Thanks very much for the link! Not long after posting this, I ended up migrating to Blogger due to better Google+ integration (ah, how I miss thee, G+). Anyone interested can find the version of the linked post hosted there here:
It’s been a while since I posted there, but I don’t consider it truly dead, and I still get and moderate any comments, so if anyone finds it useful or interesting, do please let me know.