The world still turns but the Carnival moves on

I would like to first thank those that contributed to January’s topic, World Building. It was great to see several new blogs in the mix as well as the different takes and genres.
After checking out the articles below, be sure to head over to Illusory Sensorium for the February RPG Blog Carnival – Illusions & Delusions.
- From Seed of Worlds – Full World Hooks for Far-roamers – the kick-off post for their Lore24 contributions
- Crunchy Kobold’s – How I Build Worlds – where they dive into how they go about building worlds including how the information is organized
- RPG Wandering comes in with, The New Campaign, which has a great list of items which include several suggestions on tools and websites for helping name people and places
- Illusory Sensorium chimes in with a piece that borrows from the ideas of computer programming and computer games, World Building for Wetware
- Another piece for the Lore24 initiative, The Great Antarctic Hex Crawl, from Idraluna Archives, and let’s face it, who doesn’t enjoy a good hex crawl once in a while – lots of good info here.
- We’re blessed with a second helping of Crunchy Kobold and the article, A New World: Let’s Build a Science Fantasy Setting, which takes a look at building out a sci-fi world.
- We then traveled to Vdonnut Valley for Traveller Worldbuilding Inspires and Confuses where dice play a role (see what I did there?)
- The month closes out with Elemental Reductions, and How I Generate Home Brew Fantasy Towns Quickly, an outline of topic to help you flesh out a town
A lot of great stuff, which unfortunately I was not able to contribute to (the real world just like to get in what these days) but fear not, in the dusty archives I found Build your campaign world with your players – where I suggest using the Dawn of Worlds to get your players involved and vested in the world.
Be sure to check out the RPG Blog Carnival Archives for other great topics and articles to explore.
May your dice roll well!