The Carnival is going Green!

This month, the RPG Blog Carnival shifts gears and heads over to RPG Wandering for the colorful topic of “It’s not easy being green.” Be sure to check out that kick-off post, so you can see the wide range of topics that this can cover, and there’s a lot! When you get your article posted, be sure to put your link there so you can be included in the round-up article.
In case you missed last month’s carnival, Celebrating your favorite settings, be sure to check out the round up post. Thanks to Gonz for hosting.

Don’t forget to check out the RPG Blog Carnival Hub Page where you can see all the carnivals from this year, or check out the Carnival Archive to see all the places we’ve been.
There are still a couple of hosting spots left for 2024, why not consider joining us and put up the tent in your backyard?
May your dice roll well!