New course from Johnn Four of RolePlaying Tips

If you’ve been a Game Master for a while you’ve most likely come across the site RolePlaying Tips. The site, and the newsletter of the same name, focus on tips and advice specifically geared to Game Masters and I highly recommend it (full disclosure, I was Johnn’s editor for a while). One of the areas…

5 Reasons I chose Evernote for Campaign Management

 In my recent post Getting Organized to Create My New Campaign I mentioned that I was planning on using Evernote as my tool for organizing my materials. I’m sure more than a few folks scratched their heads and thought “why the hell would you pick that tool?” A fair question and here’s a list of…

A Twitter stream for the Blog

This past week I decided that I needed to break up my Twitter activity, not because I tweet a lot but because I felt that by separating certain things folks could follow the accounts they want to get the information they want. Thus, I now have three Twitter accounts: @scotnewbury – this is my main…

Filling the Empty Chair [Review]

It happens to all of us, we move, our friends move, college ends, the list goes on and it always leads to that most dreaded of all opponents at the gaming table . . . . The empty chair. To slay just that opponent I would suggested heading over to and picking up a…

Pen, Paper, Index Cards and a Cellphone?

About a month ago the folks at Gnome Stew had an interesting post entitled I Love My Tiny Notebook which talked about the fact that as a gamer (particular those of us that GM) we frequently have ideas pop into our heads and by having a notebook with us we can write them down for…

My OpenOffice Character Spreadsheet

In my last post I mentioned that while there are a number of character sheets available I use a spreadsheet to track my character’s particulars. While it takes a bit of work upfront, the dividends are well worth it. With the way I’ve set things up making a change to an ability score adjusts other…