I’m stuck, Abulafia help me!

We’ve all been in that place, you’re working along and you need some help with an item description, or the name of a location, or . . . . You get the picture. To get that help point your browser at Abulafia (www.random-generator.com) and pick an appropriate generator (there’s a link to all of them…

New course from Johnn Four of RolePlaying Tips

If you’ve been a Game Master for a while you’ve most likely come across the site RolePlaying Tips. The site, and the newsletter of the same name, focus on tips and advice specifically geared to Game Masters and I highly recommend it (full disclosure, I was Johnn’s editor for a while). One of the areas…

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Gnomes beat the Kobolds – enjoy the rewards!

Those guys with the pointy red hats have won another victory, this time over the Kobolds of Kobold Quarterly and we get a chance to enjoy the spoils! From now until February 9th, 2011, you can down load, for free, a past issue of Kobold Quarterly and enjoy all the goodness it contains from the…

Roleplaying Tips Celebrates Upcoming Issue #500 with a Contest

I’ve often mentioned it, written for it and even took a turn as editor at one point (thanks for the opportunity Johnn) and now am pleased to see Roleplaying Tips about to hit a major milestone – issue #500. To celebrate this event Johnn Four is running a contest – he’s collecting city encouter ideas,…

Pen, Paper, Index Cards and a Cellphone?

About a month ago the folks at Gnome Stew had an interesting post entitled I Love My Tiny Notebook which talked about the fact that as a gamer (particular those of us that GM) we frequently have ideas pop into our heads and by having a notebook with us we can write them down for…

Campaign Information Overload

Campaign Information Overload

In their latest installment of Save My Game, the folks at Wizards look at a difficult topic, campaign detail. I know first hand the perils of this very topic. As a GM, I find myself building campaign settings with an immense amount of detail, everything from cities and towns to NPCs to multiple plot lines…