RPG Blog Alliance Logo

The future of the RPG Blog Alliance

As many are aware, Google+ is closing its doors and with it the community that we were using as the base for the RPG Blog Alliance (RPGBA) will be going with it. As the “keeper of the keys” so to speak I’ve been giving this some serious thought and feel that it’s time to morph…

A ticket booth

The RPG Blog Carnival has a new Box Office

While the Blog Carnival moves from place to place each month, there needs to be a central location, or “Box Office,” where everyone can go to find out what’s going on. For the last three years, Johnn Four, of Roleplaying Tips fame has been the keeper of the keys, and has, in my opinion done…

RPG Blog Alliance Logo

Carrying on the RPG Blog Alliance Tradition

As many are aware, and as mentioned here, the existing RPG Blog Alliance is closing, in fact it is due to shut down in just a few days. A number of members expressed a desire to have the RSS feeds placed in a file that they could then import into a newsreader of their own…

Who doesn’t enjoy exploring the sewers?

Who doesn’t enjoy exploring a maze of tunnels, dead ends, and rooms full of creatures to battle? The GM that’s who. It’s something that a lot of GMs like to run, but it’s something that many of us don’t really enjoy planning out. The encounters are easy enough, but creating a map of all of…

The closing of an era – Good-bye RPG Blog Alliance

Today is a sad day. Today I received an email in my inbox announcing that at the end of April the RPG Blog Alliance will cease operations. While I am saddened to see the Alliance close down as it’s been the source of a lot of interesting reading over the years, I am also glad…