RPG Carnival – What would you like to know?

RPG Carnival – What would you like to know?

Here in the Northern Hemisphere we’re on the verge of the summer months where many take time away from work to spend with family and friends (keeping a proper social distance when needed). There are others though that take this time, when others are occupied, to delve into their craft and find that new nugget…

October 2017 Blog Carnival: Superstitions – The Wrap-up

October 2017 Blog Carnival: Superstitions – The Wrap-up

The Carnival has moved on but for those that missed it, or want to check out one of the many contributors we had last month, I give you the quick “the wrap-up.” 6D6rpg.com kicked things off with a trio rituals in their post: A Carnival of Superstitions Hereticwerksakes provide us with some insight  on the Superstitions in…

Put a cork in it! October 2016 Blog Carnival Wrap-up

Put a cork in it! October 2016 Blog Carnival Wrap-up

The RPG Blog Carnival has long since moved on and I would like to give a belated thanks to all those that stopped by and shared a “bit of the brew,” with everyone. The theme was potions, and some shared a bit of what they’ve been simmering over the fire. 6d6 RPG kicked things off…

October 2015 – They’re Gone! The Blog Carnival Wrap Up

I want to thank everyone that shared the strange things that could wander into town during the month of October. From Tales of the Loreweaver we found ourselves with some Unwelcomed Guests, but I’m not sure how they held up against the Giant Figgin’ Spiders (and Scorpions) from the World Builder Blog. Our friends at…

What makes a good Dungeon Master

What makes a good Dungeon Master?

Those of us that sit around the gaming table often talk of days gone by. We talk of sessions when there were legendary battles fought and epic tales were told. When you look back at those sessions, what do they all have in common? A Dungeon Master at the top of his game. Over at…

Plot Hooks – be careful not to have too many

  I came across another interesting post at Reality Refracted talking about plot hooks and asking the question, “How many should you have?” A.L. does a great job of making the argument that you should have as many plot hooks as you can handle as a GM: If possible, the GM should have infinite plot hooks…