Beginnings – January 2023 RPG Blog Carnival

With the new year comes a new season for the RPG Blog Carnival, and we’re kicking things off here at of Dice and Dragons.
For the first Carnival of the season, I’ve opted to go with a topic that many of us have had to deal with over the years, beginnings.
The beginning I’m sure that jumps to mind is when you first sit down to start a new campaign. There’s the thrill of the unknown, the questions that come about who is going to play what time of character, where the group is starting out, and dozens of other questions that come to mind when you first start a new campaign.
This month we’re going to take that idea and expand it to include all new beginnings that you might encounter at the gaming table.
- The start of the campaign
- A new group forming
- A new player joining the group
- A new character being introduced
The list goes on from there, the question is how do you go about handing that beginning? Will you use a tried and tired starting point, “you walk into a bar,” or do you spin something different?
How do you handle the first time a new character or player comes into the group? Maybe, “roll initiative!”
That’s what this month is about, how you handle those beginnings.

To participate it’s easy, just create a post on your blog, or record an episode on your podcast and post a link here in the comments below, so everyone can enjoy. At the end of the month, I’ll circle back and do a round-up of all the posts to make it easier for others to find your great content.
Be sure to check out the RPG Blog Carnival Archive as well and see all the great content from years past, and if you’d like to host a Carnival in 2023 we’d love to have you, you can sign up here.
I’m looking forward to reading what everyone comes up with and as always . . .
May your dice roll well!
I wrote up an evolution of adding tension to a starting setting by sweeping up all the randomly generated elements from world-building, assembling them into the apparent factions and then thinking through how they all view each other to spot the tensions and adventure hooks.
Thanks for the contribution!
Hey Scot, thanks for hosting and for keeping everything running. “Beginnings” struck a chord with me and actually inspired me to start a few things, so thanks for that as well!
These are my beginnings:
Thanks for the contribution Tom and glad you’ve been inspired to begin!
Thanks for hosting! I appreciate the creative spark that the Carnival gives me!
Here are some suggestions for beginning an adventure or campaign in a tavern.
Thanks for contributing and sharing.