October 2015 – They’re Gone! The Blog Carnival Wrap Up

I want to thank everyone that shared the strange things that could wander into town during the month of October. From Tales of the Loreweaver we found ourselves with some Unwelcomed Guests, but I’m not sure how they held up against the Giant Figgin’ Spiders (and Scorpions) from the World Builder Blog. Our friends at…

By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes – 2015 October RPG Blog Carnival

Update: The October Carnival is over, be sure to catch the wrap up article before you leave. Welcome friends, it’s October and that can only mean one thing, the RPG Blog Carnival has arrived once again! In past years we’ve sought out those spooky spots that the local towns folks like to avoid and talked…

RPG Blog Carnival

July 2015 Blog Carnival: Sheathing the Weapons

The RPGBA Carnival moved on long ago (if you’re quick you catch up with it over at Creative Mountain Games) but the wrap up here never got posted. You have my apology for that so without further ado, here’s the wrap up of the legendary posts written for the Weapons of Legend carnival. In the…

July 2015 Blog Carnival: Weapons of Legend

They are unique, mythic, and transcend the mere ordinary, they are . . . Weapons of Legend and they are also the topic for this month’s RPG Blog Carnival. When someone speaks of a legendary weapon most folks immediately go to those that have been called out in stories for centuries or popularized in the…

October 2014 Blog Carnival Wrap-up

The stakes have been pulled out of the ground (and a few corpses) and the RPG Blog Carnival has moved over to Roleplaying Tips to talk about races, but before you head over there to find out what’s going on, here’s a quick run down of the October posts. One last thing before we get…