RPG Carnival – World Building
The January RPG Blog Carnival has closed up shop. Check out the January wrap-up post before heading over to Illusory Sensorium for Illusions & Delusions.
As the calendar flips we start a new year and a new season of the Carnival travels, thanks to everyone that participated last month and to Plastic Polyhedra for hosting the last Carnival of the year, Endings
For this month’s RPG Blog Carnival topic, hosted right here at of Dice and Dragons, I thought a return to a topic that comes up every few years would be a great way to kick off the year.

World Building
I know for many the thought of building an entire world for your campaign to live in can seem daunting there seems to be so much that needs to be done, how do I keep all that information straight, and is it of value?
So, this month, let’s roll up our sleeves and share our thoughts, tips, tricks, and experience, on any topic that could be related to this expansive subject. Things such as . . .
- Advice for those building a world or the first time
- What item/topic do you start with when you create your worlds?
- What tools do you use while creating?
- How do you store and organize your world information?
- How deep to do go on your creation – just the big stuff or every minor detail?
- How do you know when you’ve created enough?
- Recommendations on resources to help with creation
As you can see, this is a large topic and there’s lots of room for a lot of different takes on how the process can be done. I’m looking forward to seeing what folks post on this topic, as world building is something I always enjoy when sitting behind the GM screen.
Be sure to share a link to your post in the comments below to make it easier for everyone to find your contribution.

For more information about the RPG Blog Carnival, including info and signing up to be a host, be sure to check out the hub page and the Carnival Archive, which has links to a treasure trove of information from our past seasons.
May your dice roll well.
My entry for the worldbuilding prompt (also kicking off my Lore24 run) fantasy worldbuilding factors
Thanks for the contribution!
Scot, I’ve written up my (very) basic thoughts on the matter in https://www.crunchykobold.com/how-i-build-worlds/
I’ll be building a world over the next months, so this is an apt topic.
Welcome back! Thanks for sharing a post and hope you join us again in the future.
I’ve written up some of my process for getting ready for my new campaign, including how I come up with ideas for names of people and places. https://rpgwandering.wordpress.com/2024/01/21/the-new-campaign/
Appreciate the contribution!
I take 3 ideas from computer science and stretch them too far as so much taffy to justify my world building tips:
Thanks for hosting this month Scot – You’re all invited around to my pad next month to continue kick on and keep partying!
Thanks for sharing and hosting next month.
Wrote about using GIS tools to develop a giant hexcrawl: https://idraluna-archives.bearblog.dev/the-great-antarctic-hexcrawl-pt-1-planning-prefectures/
Thanks for the contribution!
Scot, not sure this is 100% in line with the topic for this month (as you seem to aim more for articles on worldbuilding itself), but this is my kick-off post for the world I will be building over the next few months… well, probably several years: https://www.crunchykobold.com/a-new-world-lets-build-a-science-fantasy-setting/
Anything related to building out a world for your game is what the goal was – thanks for sharing!
I made it on time! My take on traveller and how procedural generation may lead to interesting emergent worldbuilding.
Thanks for sharing!
My world building is generally from the bottom up (unless I’m playing Traveller or Stars Without Number), so I got as far as outlining my town generation procedure.
Appreciate the contribution!