Realistic Climate for your Campaign
A question for all those GMs out there, how much do you vary the climate your party moves through?
If you’re like most (myself included) the answer is typically, “not much” or “not really.”
I think there are two reasons for this:
- We don’t understand climatology. Nothing wrong there, most of us don’t need to know much about it beyond what we see outside our windows (unless you’re concerned about global warming).
- We don’t see the need. Is it really important? Depends on your group and the level of realism they want in their games. If your players don’t want it, don’t bother with it.
The second one takes care of itself but what about the first point? What if you want to add elements of climate into your campaign? Where to begin?
If you’re interested in adding these elements to your campaign check out Climatology for world building. An interesting write-up where not only are the different climate zones broken down for you but the author has also taken the time to align them with the typical terrain types most often used in gaming. There are also examples given as to the types of areas on Earth that correspond to them and a brief description of each zone.
So if you want to add a bit more realism to your campaign go check it out.
May your dice roll well.