1. Hi
    Does anybody have the offline version of this generator? I can no longer download it. Please contact me, if you have the offline version.

    Maximillian.Schneider [at] gmx.de

    Mfg Saphir

  2. Thanks for pointing out that the download is no longer available. I’ve dug out an alternate location for online use and posted a link that folks can use to download a copy at File Dropper.

  3. Hi
    Thanks for posting, but the links you posted do not work.
    The first one shows the site, but when trying to create a dungeon, there ist the same failure as with aarg.net
    And the second link only leads to the main-site of filedropper. Perhaps you forgot an ending? Or do I have to sign up to use this download?
    It would be great, if you could send me your version via E-Mail


    Greetings Saphir

  4. I’ve sent along an email with the file attached – hope you’re able to use it.

    If anyone else would like a copy please let me know if the links continue to have issues.

  5. Same issue, again – strange enough that these files are not mirrored anywhere else in the web. I’d really appreciate if you could send them to me as well:

    hephaesteus (at) gmx.net

    Tanks in advance!

  6. I am having the same issue as the others and I can’t find my copy of the file. that file is the best thing for me since i do alot of gamming as the dm. would you please send me a copy. Thanks for the help.

  7. Hi,

    Would it be possible to get a copy of the source code you have ?
    I downloaded the original version a long time ago but could not find it anymore and i need to compile it again.


    1. Unfortunately I do not have the source code, just the executable for Windows, so I can’t help you out.



      Update: I have uploaded a fresh copy of the program to filedropper and it seems to be working now.

  8. Thanks for the offline Jamis Buck’s generator, I was looking for it REALLY HARD all over the internet. I don’t have time to build this from sources.

    Here are the sources for anyone who cares to use the wonderful code (people have been asking above):

    And are is the online generator credited back to Jamis, maintained by Code-weavers:

    And hey, check this Interactive Dungeon 2.0.2 software too, it is for creating maps while gamers later get to play the map using a computer. Crypts, mazes, catacombs, ruins, manors, castles… all sorts of dungeon layouts are possible. It brings to life an adventuring team’s advance in a dungeon, complete with visual cues and sound effects. Mainly it gives you possibility to oversee playing that dungeon using a computer with field of vision, fog-of-war and random monster encounters, including pre-set traps, sounds and events. TOTALLY helpful for a DM and his players.
    This software was made by Jerome Le Royer & Rene Mongrain and is long forgotten and there was probably no more continuity in releases (although ver. 3.0 was indicated by Rene [Trainz]). Here is the one download link I found, do check it out, it’s great!
    here is the same software, different download link:

    1. Thanks for the updated information – I’m really glad to see that the software and online generators are up and running.

      I’ll have to check out the other software links you mentioned in your comments as well.

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