Now Online – Roleplaying Tips E-Zine Issue #300
The latest issue (#300) of the Role-playing Tips E-zine – Q&A With Johnn Four is now online and the issue contains:
–> A Brief Word From Johnn
–> This Week’s Tips:
1. What started Roleplaying Tips?
2. What motivates you to keep going? Is it self sustaining?
3. What’s the current readership?
4. How long does it take to publish an issue? What does it involve?
5. Will you be doing any more contests?
6. What topics will the e-zine be covering in the future?
7. How do I contribute to the e-zine?
8. How much mail do you get a week? Do you answer it all?
9. What games are you playing now?
10. How much is advertising in Roleplaying Tips Weekly?
11. Have you ever thought of putting forums up at
12. I’m starting my own campaign world. Is it best to start small and work your way up, or start big and work your way down?
13. OGL and ePublishing have really opened the field for small RPG publishers. What are the long-term effects (good and bad) on the industry?
14. D&D still seems to be the most popular RPG. Is this due to or in spite of the OGL?
15. By default, the OGL has promoted d20 as a “standard set” of mechanics and rules, not only for fantasy, but other genres as well–can we expect to see the number of generic RPGs and supplements increase as a result, or will fantasy continue to be the lion’s share of d20?
16. What resources would be recommended to improve adventure design for experienced game masters?
17. How can an adventure designer or game master maximize player choice and minimize railroading in event-based adventures (in comparison to site-based adventures)?
18. How can an adventure designer or game master incite players convincingly to undertake quests without mercenary compensation, for good aligned characters, but instead based on morality and genuine heroism?
–> Readers’ Tips Of The Week:
1. 1″ Tiles Make Great Minis Markers
From: Chris
2. Another Use For Dance/Perform Skill
From: Peter G.
3. Ten Foot Wiki
From: Roman Gheesling
4. Players Tips
From: Morgan Davies
5. Occultist Trap
From: Forrest
6. Climate For Fantasy World-Builders
From: Auke
7. Speeding Up Combat (D&D 3.5)
From: Kurt “Telas” Schneider
You can read it online here.
If you don’t already subscribe I would recommend it, you can do that here.