Now Online – Roleplaying Tips E-Zine Issue #299
The latest issue (#299) of the Role-playing Tips E-zine – 150 Benign Urban Encounters is now online and the issue contains:
–> A Brief Word From Johnn
–> This Week’s Tips:
100 Benign Urban Encounter Ideas
–> Readers’ Tips Of The Week:
1. Peanut Butter Wiki
From: Dave Schaefer
2. Fun Trap Ideas
From: Edge
3. 200 Adventuring Company Names
From: Forrest
4. Rhetoric For Your Games
From: Johnn
5. Group Name Tip
From: Elena of Valhalla
6. Mark Your Figures With Discs
From: Scot Newbury
You can read it online here.
If you don’t already subscribe I would recommend it, you can do that here.