How much time do you spend preparing?
I’m sure you seen and read a number of articles on how much time a GM should spend getting ready for a gaming session but the question needs to be asked of players too.
Are you ready to go when you show up?
I’m not just talking about bringing your favorite snack with you along with your dice (you did remember them right?) and character sheet either – have you prepared for the session?
Did you take the time to update your character sheet and notes from the last session?
Maybe the characters attained a new level, did you do all your “leveling up” work yet?
Did you create that new “cheat card” you need so that you’re not always looking up all your modifiers in the middle of a combat?
Did you update your spell list? Your ammo count? Your hit points, health or karma?
Did you make a “shopping list” of the things your character needs?
The above is just a short list of things that as a player you should think about during the downtime between sessions. Anything you can do to make the work of the GM easier WILL be appreciated and help the actual gaming sessions get started on time and run that much smoother.
So, what things do you do to make sure you’re prepared ahead of time?
May your dice roll well.