Five years old today!
Today marks the 5th anniversary for of Dice and Dragons and it’s been an interesting five years to say the least. In my last post, which was my 250th, I touched on some of my favorite posts over the years, I won’t go back over that ground again but would encourage you to take a look at it if you haven’t already.
As we’re at the end of the year, it is also that time when everyone typically looks back over the year and then looks forward and sets goals for the upcoming year – it’s something I’ve done from time to tme but never really focused on it when it came to my RPG life but I was inspired by Johnn Four’s recent post at Campaign Mastery, John’s 2010 Year in Review, and thought I would take a stab at it.
So, here are my 2011 RPG Goals
- Game more
I have a regular gaming group but over the last few years we’ve started playing more card and board games rather than RPG, that’s not a bad thing but I do miss the roll of the dice and the storytelling – we use to game 3-4 sessions a month now it’s more like once session every 3-4 months. I know goals are suppose to be measurable (that SMART goal system they beat into me over the years) so I tag this at 12 session this year. - Post once a week
Back in July I announced that the blog was still alive but then at the end of September I stopped posting again. I’m not really sure why that happened but rather than dwell on it I’m going to push forward and set a new goal, 52 posts (1 a week) in 2011. - Publish an eBook
For some that know me, they’ve heard that frequently said, “I should publish an eBook.” Time to start putting the money where my mouth is and put something out – now all I have to do is figure out the topic and all the logistics.
While I’m sure I could come up with more, I’m going to stop with those three. I’ve learned over the last few years that life has a funny way of injecting itself in odd ways to create “opportunities to excel” and as Murphy is my constant co-pilot I want to leave room to add, subtract or modify things a bit.
Those are my goals, what are your?
May your dice roll well.