Character death, resurrection, and the undead – October 2018 RPG Blog Carnival

It’s October, that means goblins, ghouls, the occasional undead, and a trip to of Dice and Dragons! In what has become an annual tradition for the RPG Carnival, of Dice and Dragons is once again hosting the macabre this month.
The topic for this month’s carnival is how you handle character death, both as a game master and as a player. Are they a moment of legend or a quiet passing moment? Do you allow character resurrrection, and if so, how do you handle it (outside of the game mechanics)? Then of course, there’s always those that come back as the unholy undead, “Wait a minute, I though Ulric was dead? Why is he walking towards us?”
So, sharpen your swords, get out your silver, and holy water, and share your stories and tips and tricks on how you handle death in your campaign.
As always, once you get your post up be sure to leave a comment here so you can be included in the wrap up at the end of the month.

Don’t forget to check out the RPGBA Carnival home site right here at with links to all the past carnivals for you to enjoy. There’s a lot of great stuff there.
May your dice roll well!
Hi, I’m new on the Blog Carnival.
Does the following post qualify to October’s theme?
Thanks for submitting something to the Carnival! The post is a bit unusal but I feel falls into the theme and can be used as a way of showing the ‘flavor’ in a campaign setting.
I have something in the works.
Looking forward to it.
Here you go!
Here’s our entry:
I have found and created a few ideas on how to handle death and make resurrection less mundane, so I share them along a not-so-subtle nod to one of the most famous stories about death and redemption in pop culture.