Back at the gaming table
I meant to post something about this earlier in the week but came down with a bad cold so held off until now.
This past weekend saw my regular role-playing group return to the gaming table after a short break and I got a chance to sit on the player’s side of the screen for a change. It was nice not to have to worry about the multitude of things a GM needs to be aware of, the setting, the NPCs, stats, tactics and so on – I just had to worry about my character. In addition to being a player I also got a break from our typical D&D environment as we played Shadowrun.
This is a suggestion I make frequestly to gamers to avoid burnout – swap GMs and game systems on a regular basis. A change in the gaming environment and your role at the table can keep everyone fresh and enjoying the game.
What to learn more about Shadowrun? Check out their website here.