What happened to the PC races?

It’s something that I’ve seen frequently, all the opponents that the PCs face are creatures. Why is that? Why do many GMs insist on bringing out the monster book for a given role-playing system, select the creature of the week and then set things up to make sure you encounter this particular foe? First off…

Now Online – Roleplaying Tips E-zine Issue #354

Issue #354 of Role-playing Tips Weekly is now available online – How To Work With Crummy Character Backgrounds 12 Options For Solving “X killed Y.” In this issue David R, a gues writer, shares with us a dozen ideas on how to overcome the “X killed Y” character background challenge. I think all of the…

Don’t Level the Encounters – Just the Characters

Has this happened in your campaign? The PCs have just obtained a new level and as they head out for parts unknown they discover that their new encounters are all beefed up – almost as if they gained a level as well. I know I’m guilty of it, new opponents or the same ones as…

The Hunt for The Supernatural is on!

It looks like there’s going to be another role-playing game on the market as Margaret Weis Productions, Ltd. has reached an agreement with Warner Bros. Television and DC Comics to produce a game based on the television show Supernatural. From the news clip: The role playing game will offer an exciting game experience, as well…

Issue #359 will be Dragon’s Last

It was announced on Wizard’s website today that when the current licensing agreement with Paizo ends in September Dragon magazine as it exists today will be no more. “Today the internet is where people go to get this kind of information,” said Scott Rouse, Senior Brand Manager of Dungeons & Dragons®, Wizards of the Coast….