Blog updates via Twitter

Update: The blog has its own Twitter feed now @ofdicendragons. For those of you that use Twitter you can now get a “tweet” when a new posting goes up here. Just follow me: and when a new post goes up you’ll be notified. I’m still going to have the RSS feed and email updates…

Congrats to the Chatty DM

My apologies for being a bit late to this party but congrats to the Chatty DM, Philippe-Antoine Ménard on reaching his 300th post – I wish you many more to come. I have to admit seeing others blogging about gaming and hitting their milestones, whether it be a certain number of posts, RSS readers or…

Paizo’s Pathfinder RPG – My First Impressions

  After reading through the alpha release put out by Paizo for their Pathfinder RPG I have to say I’m more than a little exicited about the possibilities it holds. The document itself is more about mechanics and where they are deviating from the SRD and OGL which is fine since it is designed to…

Paizo to publish Pathfinder RPG

This is no small announcement in my book, in a break from Wizards the folks at Paizo have decided to publish their own RPG based on the 3.5 OGL and SRD – Pathfinder RPG. I caught this “little” piece of news first on Critical Hits and then saw it again on Trollsmyth so I figured…

Another Legend Passes

I had hoped to post something over the last few days but was unable to due to the workload at my job but in the midst of my reading tonight I came across the announcement that Arthur C. Clarke passed away. Most will remember him for his outstanding science fiction contributions, in particular 2001: A…