1. I just got my email about this today, but the entire net seems to be running slow for me.

    I was the mist dragon. I apparently like to straddle every fence I come across and my favorite combat tactic is to just not be there.

    Yeesh. It’s so true, it’s a little embarrassing. 😉

    – Brian

    1. Brian, Feedburner only emails out the RSS feed once per day which is why you didn’t get the posting until today. Unfortunately I can only control when during the day it is sent, but am limited to just one mailing a day.

      I’m also similar to my inner dragon – I have a tendency to just want to get the job done and don’t really care about which tool will get me to that point, I just want it done.

  2. If it’s behaving like it’s supposed to, then no complaints. I’m happy to enjoy the help in keeping track of what’s going on.

    – Brian

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