and your inner dragon is a ….
I was reading through my RSS feeds this evening and came across a posting by Yax over at DungeonMastering – Your inner dragon and after reading through his results and a few of the comments I went ahead and took the quiz myself and found out . . .
I am an Amethyst Dragon!
In the war between good and evil, a Amethyst Dragon tends to walk the fine line of Neutrality….
When it comes to the powers of Chaos vs. those of Law and Order, your inner dragon walks a fine line between Law and Chaos….
As far as magical tendencies, Magical spells come as natural to the Amethyst Dragon as breathe from it’s body….
During combat situations, whether by spells or by claw, your inner dragon will do whatever it takes to get the job done….
Formed from translucent amethyst, it is an awe inspiring sight to see one in it’s true form. Light passes through the dragon’s body creating a deep purple glow. It’s scales will magnify the light rays into bright lavender beams to highlight this effect.
Amethyst dragons spend most of their time homebound but do occasionally feel the need to take a sojourn to a far destination. These dragons love books and will often pick their destination from one of the many stories and histories they may have read. Amethyst dragons are very solitary in nature, but do keep a distant watch on the world around them. They tend to be highly intelligent, and often amuse themselves in human form by building gadgets and toys. Amethyst dragons are very learned creatures.
I just got my email about this today, but the entire net seems to be running slow for me.
I was the mist dragon. I apparently like to straddle every fence I come across and my favorite combat tactic is to just not be there.
Yeesh. It’s so true, it’s a little embarrassing. 😉
– Brian
Brian, Feedburner only emails out the RSS feed once per day which is why you didn’t get the posting until today. Unfortunately I can only control when during the day it is sent, but am limited to just one mailing a day.
I’m also similar to my inner dragon – I have a tendency to just want to get the job done and don’t really care about which tool will get me to that point, I just want it done.
If it’s behaving like it’s supposed to, then no complaints. I’m happy to enjoy the help in keeping track of what’s going on.
– Brian
Hello, just visiting…. nice blog.
Hope to see more of you around. Have a nice day!