A new carrying case
Yesterday I spent some time shopping for ideas on what I could use as a case to carry my various gaming odds and ends. I’m still not 100% positive on all the things I’ll need to have with me but I did find a nice utility box that could handle a lot of the small items I typically keep close at hand at the house.
I settled on the Plano Stowaway Utility Box (model 2-3750). I know that most everyone that’s looking for something like this heads to the craft department or the tool department of your local superstore but I actually found this in the sporting goods department among the tackle boxes.
It’s about 9×14 and comes with a whole stack of dividers so it can be customized any way you choose. After spilling out the pencil box I had been using and collecting up some of the other miscellaneous items I either use or like to have near by I spent about 45 minutes getting things setup and not only am I much more organized it’s also portable.
I have compartments for my dice and stone markers, pencils and markers, counters, paper clips and my hourglass. The nice thing is that I still have plenty of room for additional items – a key component in making this decision, always plan for the fact that you didn’t plan for everything.
What do you use to carry your gaming supplies? Feel free to post and share.
May your dice roll well.
Nice kit, Scott. I use a lidded tub and pencil box. Books go in magazine holders that I put in the tub. I then sprinkle the ashes of all the dead PCs’ character sheets I’ve clobbered in the campaign over the books, topped with a sprinkle of holy water.
I slip any books I need into the laptop backpack I use for gaming as I use my laptop for a lot of my gaming these days.
Hm, ashes of dead PCs’ character sheets – that sounds like something I may have to start doing – after all my last campaign earned the moniker “Scot’s campaign of PC death.”