2023 March Carnival is meeting at the Sea of Stars

So the calendar has flipped and with that we say good-bye to our February Carnival, Procedures – thanks to Plastic Polyhedra for hosting!
This month we’re moving to Sea of Stars for, Taverns, Bars and places to meet.
Let’s face it we all have our version of the “you meet in a tavern” so why not head over to Sea of Stars, check out the anchor post, and leave a link there to your own contribution so everyone else can enjoy it.

Just a friendly reminder that we still have slots open to host a 2023 Carnival as well. It doesn’t require a lot of work and helps spread our hobby and our ideas to wider audiences. You can signup on the RPG Blog Carnival hub page. Also be sure to check out the Carnival’s Archive Page as well, there are links to Carnivals going back over 10 years.
May your dice roll well!