2022 Carnival Host Signup Now Open

As we near the end of 2021 it is time once again to start planning for the next season of the RPG Blog Carnival and as always the first thing to do is put out a call for hosts.
There are many who have hosted the Carnival over the years and we’ve had a variety of topics during that time as well. You can see much of the history of the Carnival on our RPG Blog Carnival Archive page.
Please take a few minutes to review the section about hosting over on the RPG Blog Carnival Page which Covers the particulars. There aren’t a lot of requirements to being a host, and it can be rewarding as there’s the possibility that you’ll have folks that have never been to your site drop by. I’ve made more than a few friends over the years just from hosting a month.
So, this year, as it’s been done in the past, there’s a Google form for you to put in your desire to host. You can find it at: https://forms.gle/BEeU3ZCqfzSMoarP6. Any information you provide will only be used for the purposes of administering the RPG Blog Carnival.
I hope you’ll join the ranks of those that have hosted in the past, and if not, why not participate in the Carnival as it rolls across the internet in 2022 – the more the merry.
May your dice roll well.