What’s in a name? How about an anagram?
No matter what role-playing system you end up playing there’s always a need to come up with names for people and places. Instead using the old standbys (like baby books or the name of a character from your favorite book) why not try something different – an anagram.
For those not familiar with the term an anagram is a word or phrase that’s created by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase such as:
Leaping Lory – a thief who makes thier escape by jumping from rooftop to rooftop
Gale Olin Pry – that kindly admin behind the desk at the library whose been very helpful with the group’s research
Pale Gin Rory – the drunk at the local bar, pale because he never sees the sun and gin because that’s his drink of choice
As you can see not only can you get a name from an anagram but also something of the personality and background as well.
Now I’ll admit it’s fun to come up with various anagrams but it can be a bit time consuming but there is a short cut you can take. The
Internet Anagram Server is a free online anagram engine and it works great.
I used it to create the three examples above and for those interested the root word was roleplaying.
This posting was included in issue #337 of Roleplaying Tips which was just added to the Roleplaytips website.
You can check out the whole issue at: http://www.roleplayingtips.com/readissue.php?number=337