Use Paperclips To Track Ammo
It doesn’t matter which role-playing game you play at some point someone at the table is going to have to track the amount of ammo they have and are expending. For a lot of players that means making hash marks on a scratch-pad and then after expending a clip or emptying a quiver have to mark it on their charactersheet – why not make it more interesting and more visual, use paperclips.
Why paperclips? Simple, they’re small, inexpensive, come in a variety of colors (use a different color for each type of ammo you need to track) and they’re easy to pick up (got a magnet?).
To make it easy to visualize take a paper cup and place a number of paperclips in it that equal the amount of ammunition you have and then as you use up the ammo remove the appropriate number of clips. If you have more than one weapon you need to track you can borrow a muffin tin from the kitchen – that will give you a number of ‘cups’ to track with.
When the cup is empty – so’s your weapon.
May your dice roll well.