Updating the site

One of the items that has been on the to-do list here at of Dice and Dragons is an update of the site. For those that have been around since the beginning you may have already noticed the changes underway.
The site has gotten a bit of a refresh, courtesy of a new theme, and things are being worked in the background has this post goes live. There’s still 15 years worth of material to sort through, clean up, and in some cases be removed and that work will be ongoing as things continue to move forward.
There’s some updates coming for The RPG Blog Carnival pages, the material there is a bit dated now and could use a refresh. The RPGBA pages are also in need of some updates and of course we’ll also need to add some fresh posts as well – haven’t had too many of them of late.
So please bear with me as the site work continues and I hope you find the site a bit more reactive and even useful on your mobile device (something the old site hasn’t been for awhile). Thoughts and comments are welcome, and please watch your step and be careful of the wet paint.
May your dice roll well!