1. “unless those around you are actually interested in what you have to say they’re going to listen.”

    Was this a test to see if we were “listening?” 😉

    I enjoy the blog when I get the chance to read it. Thanks for collecting the info for the RPGBA too. Keep up the good blogging!

    1. No, it wasn’t really a test but you’re the only one who caught it – kudos!

      I’m glad you enjoy the blog, and you, along with everyone else, is welcome for the work being done with the RPGBA information. The latter is something I just felt should be done and if all goes well folks will be able to continue to enjoy the whole host of sites going forward.

      I’ll keep blogging as long as folks keep reading, and that’s the real nut in the post, to find out if what I’m doing here is something folks like to read or if I’m just missing the mark.

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