The Portable Gamer
No, this isn’t a post about the latest hand-held game system, it’s about the new category of posts that I will be adding to the blog.
One of the things that my current gaming group is going to be doing is alternating locations – something we’ve done very rarely in the past but now will be done on a regular basis.
While on the surface this may not seem like such a big issue (and in cosmic scheme of things it probably isn’t) it does force me to look at the way I game and what I truly need to have with me. What books, materials, and tools? The best way to pack them up? Ways to work around the inevitable “oops, I forgot that,” and I’m sure there will be a host of other items that come up along the way.
So as I forge ahead with this new chapter in my gaming life I’m setting a couple of ground rules.
- Carrying cases – I have to be able to handle it on my own and they have to be child-resistant. As a father of three kids trust me, there’s no such thing as child-proof.
- Software & computer files – have to be portable and preferably free.
I’m looking forward to figuring out the best way to do this but please keep in mind that while whatever I post here may or may not work for me – it might or might not work for you. I’m looking forward to hearing from all of you with your ideas and thoughts.
Remember, sharing it a good thing.
May your dice roll well.