1. I definitely think that we need to do something to refresh the brand a little, as well – give people a reason for being involved, even if it’s as simple as a weekly link aggregator collecting articles from RPGA member sites that anyone (even non-members) can visit/subscribe to.

    1. Agreed, the Alliance needs to be brought back to life, we’ve been on life support for too long.

      Appreciate the suggestion, challenge is there are over 150 articles on average but I will look into it.

      1. It must be possible, I’ve seen many websites that have a blogroll listing the most recent posts by other sites that the site owner has listed. It might be a headache manually adding each site to the list, but there must be a way to batch that – even if it’s a form that each Alliance member needs to fill out or something to be included.

        1. It is possible. The right side of the page currently shows postings from members of the Alliance right below the subscribe button for the blog. Is more needed? Yes. I am planning a full listing of the member sites, a downloadable OPML file, and links out to more resources.

          It’s just going to take time and as long as the community continues to support the effort I’ll do my best to keep things rolling along.

  2. Thanks for creating a rally point for the RPG Carnival — these all sound like excellent first steps.

  3. I took advantage of the roundup post for the under-subscribed March blog carnival to publish some further thoughts on the RPG B A and what it *could* be to its members and the wider public. http://bit.ly/2WTGBCB

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