Waving farewell to 2016

Waving farewell and moving onto 2017

It is with mixed emotions that I wave good-bye to 2016. In some respects the year was a complete disaster and on other fronts I would say it was a complete success. This year saw a great deal of personal struggle including losing a family member, seeing my wife continue her health struggles with yet…

Guess who’s 10? Happy (belated) Birthday of Dice and Dragons!

Wow, 10 years, has it been that long? Yes, it really has. To be honest we’re nearly two months into our tenth year here at of Dice and Dragons and while we missed the “big one” with an end of the year post it seems only fitting that the day passed quietly with reflection. Ten…

Time out, what do you think?

One of the things I’ve learned from being around the table, gaming or work, is that unless those around you are actually interested in what you have to say they’re going to listen. At the gaming table I’ve seen (and been) that GM that’s lost the party. It’s usually no one specific item but typically…

Happy Birthday #9 – State of the Blog

Another year passes and of Dice and Dragon turns nine. As I do every year I like to take a look back at the year and put down a few goals for the upcoming year, not just for the blog but also for my gaming life. This year saw my offline world continue to inject…

Planned Server Maintenance

I’ve been notified by my hosting company that they are doing server maintenance tomorrow night, January 22, between the hours of 8-10 PM MST. During that time period it is expected that this site will not be accessible for about 15-30 minutes along with my email. Hopefully all goes well and the outage will be…

Happy Birthday #8 – State of the Blog

It’s hard to believe that as I write this of Dice and Dragons is turning eight and as I have done the last few years (here’s a link to 2012 and 2011 for comparison if you’d like)  I’m marking the occasion, as I have in past years, with a look back at the last year….