RPG Carnival – What would you like to know?
Here in the Northern Hemisphere we’re on the verge of the summer months where many take time away from work to spend with family and friends (keeping a proper social distance when needed). There are others though that take this time, when others are occupied, to delve into their craft and find that new nugget that they will hope take their game to the next level. This month the RPG Carnival is going to work on lending a hand.
In looking over the RPG Carnival Archive it appeared to me that we really haven’t taken the time to use this platform to talk about what we might like to know as gamers. The topics are chosen and posts written, but I don’t recall the last time we asked the question “What would you like to know?” and then compiled that list for the future when someone asks the other question, “What should I write about?”
So here’s your chance, whether you’ve been gaming and blogging for years, or are just starting out, what would you like to know?
Take a moment and then in a post share a list of those gaming related topics you’d like to know more about, things you wish had were explained better, things you really wished you could ask about but haven’t been able to. You can also share some of your favorite resources, blog or otherwise, to help others find that nugget.
So yes, this month is all about starting the conversation and hopefully, some of those asked for topics will become a theme or two for the Carnival as it rolls forward.
I’m looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with so be sure to share a link to your post in the comments below so everyone can enjoy.
Don’t forget to check out the RPGBA Carnival Hub right here at of Dice and Dragons with links to all the past carnivals for you to enjoy. There’s a lot of great stuff there.
May your dice roll well!
Here you go: https://blog.lbs.ca/09-52-how_to_run_a_ttrpg_1st_principles/
Thanks for contributing Dominic
Thanks for the entry Mike and the feedback.
You’re welcome, Scot 🙂
Campaign Mastery’s contribution is online at http://www.campaignmastery.com/blog/confection-of-compartments/ 🙂
Once Upon a Time, in a far away land known as the Wizards Community Forum, there was a thriving competition that has been now forgotten.
Luckily for us, we know some revivifying spells.
Thanks for contributing Gonz