RPG Blog Carnival Update – November 2022

Hail and well met!
If you’ve recently stopped by, you may have seen the post about Ending an Era as I get ready to bring the RPG Blog Alliance to a close – but fret not! The RPG Blog Carnival isn’t going anywhere, except to a new destination each month. In fact, you have a chance to catch the latest topic, Art-spiration over at Campaign Mastery, should be a good one.
That out of the way there are a few things that will be changing with regards to the RPG Blog Carnival, there may be a few pain points as we shift but I think the potential gains are worth it.
One thing that will not be changing is the format. Each month the Carnival will move to a new host (have you signed up to be a 2023 host?) with an anchor post for the topic that month and, hopefully, a round up or wrap up post at the end of the month. You will also be able to continue to see all the past and scheduled Carnivals right here, as of Dice and Dragons will continue to be the hub going forward.
What will be changing is how the word gets out to everyone. Over the last several years we’ve been riding the coat tails of the RPG Blog Alliance and with that group being officially sunsetted the focus for all things Carnival related will be shifted to here. There’s currently a category for Carnival related items, and one specifically for announcements to make them easier to find. I will also be looking into a way to send those announcements out via email as well, so for those that would like to get updates that way can. You can also expect to get updates via RSS and Twitter (at least for now) and I’ll be looking at other avenues as well.
The most important part of the RPG Blog Carnival is you. Yes, those that stop by, those that contribute, and those that just want to find new sources of inspiration. So, if you have a suggestion, please drop it in the comments below, I can’t say we’ll implement everything, but it will all get looked at.
May your dice roll well!