Welcome to the RPG Blog Alliance Hub!
Update: As of December 31, 2022, the RPG Blog Alliance has been shut down. The information here is for historical purposes and to provide information on where you can obtain the salvageable resources from the Alliance.

Once upon a time there was an idea, and like so many ideas, it’s grown, shrunk, and morphed a bit along the way.
I’m speaking of the RPG Blog Alliance.
What was once a stand-alone site, that moved into the Google+ world, emerged back to the internet at large and now has been officially closed.
The RPG Blog Alliance Membership List
For a while the list of membership sites was maintained here and while there are still some semblances of it, the most up to date and accurate list is being maintained over on Follow Me and Die! You can see the listing at https://followmeanddie.com/rpga-list/.
The RSS Feed
With the closing of the RPGBA the active RSS feed has been suspended. I know that there are many that continue to use RSS to follow various sites (as I do) so here is a copy of the OPML for you to import into your RSS reader of choice – RPGBA RSS Feeds
The hashtag on Twitter
The hashtag for the RPG Blog Alliance was #rpgba and while there won’t be a constant feed of articles to it any longer from of Dice and Dragons, I would encourage all to continue to use to help continue to spread the word about the great content we have.
A newcomer to the social media world, and is rapidly becoming the go-to place to replace Google+. The site is nice, things seem to work well, and the RPG Blog Alliance Group was set up there: https://mewe.com/group/5c6db41a58028347502d2de6.
The group is no longer accepting members, but you should be able to see the posts.