Encounter Idea 21 – The Soldier

Wars are fought, nations rise and fall, fortunes are won and lost and through it all stands the individual that protects the land and people on behalf of the government – the soldier. Before introducing this individual to your role-playing group spend a few minutes to think about his appearance (armor, weaponry, unit insignia and…

Now Online – Roleplaying Tips E-Zine Issue #313

The latest issue of Role-playing Tips in now online – Putting The Gods Back In Their Place. The issue covers some really good ideas about the creation of a pantheon and things to look at when creating it. There’s also some good information in the reader tips about railroading (not the one with locomotives and…

Use a timer to keep sessions on target

Has this ever happened to you? You get everyone together for a session and before you know it the evening is over and when you look at your notes you discover that you didn’t touch on most of what was planned? In some cases it will be because the group has gone off on a…

Encounter Idea 20 – The Undertaker

Have you noticed that in almost every role-playing game the spectre of death is always close at hand but the individual who handles the arrangements for the body and funeral is never mentioned? I’m sure you’ve seen the stereotyped undertaker, if you haven’t, rent almost any old western and you’ll see him. More often than…

Now Online – Roleplaying Tips E-Zine Issue #312

The latest issue of Role-playing Tips in now online – Take Ten: Bluff. The issue contains 10 different ideas for making better use of the Bluff skill in your game. Be sure to check out the other ‘Take Ten’ articles that have already appeared, Take Ten: Balance, issue 304, and Take Ten: Appraise, issue 287….